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Ekkodalen (echo valley) in the Almindingen in Bornholm

GPS Position: 55.11190 N - 14.88945 O

The biggest and longest column valley of Bornholm is Ekkodalen (echo valley) and a durchnitliche breadth of approx. 60 m and a Gesmtlänge of approx. 12 km has.
"Styrtebakkerne" is the old names of the Ekkodalen


The geological map of Bornholm immediately steers the attention on itself by the many so-called column valleys of the island. Like Ekkodal (echo valley) such a column valley has arisen, that gigantic tensions of the underground in the course of the time for bursting brought to the basic rocks, and because of one low power of resistance against demolition is the material verwitterl and been taken down by influence of the ice and the water. However, in certain cases Magrna was » « filled out from the part of the earth inside melted together the rips first before the demolition anfing.So the Keiseaa Diabasgang is an example of one of bursting in the basic rock which has been broken off again after the filling with diabase and the valley can be pursued by Vallensgaardsmosen about Ekkodalen, Flaeskedal, Klovedal and Kelseaadal today before it disappears in the sea at Saltuna south of Gudhjem, the so-called Diabasgängen. The high and often tree-lined sides of the column valleys offer good protection against the wind and there is almost always calm on the bottom of such a valley.

 BODERNE FERIE  DAT  Kræmmer huset Kunsthåndværk

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